Congratulations on BASH making AYP in Math and ELA
Yes, it's bittersweet. This does not change our professional mandate to educate each and every one of our remaining students to the best of their ability through our individual and collective efforts as a community.
Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions
If you have not already emailed me your Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions for the unit are currently teaching, please do so now.
You must have a copy of your Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions up in your classroom for Marking Period 2 that commences on January 20th, up in your classrooms by Tuesday, January 31st. Regents Item Analysis Tool
Please stop by Mr. Link's office for a breakdown of Regents exams for all students who are retaking their exams. Classroom instruction should include a review of questions answered incorrectly most often with in-class analysis, support and strategies to conquer them this time around!
The Super Heroes are Already Here
The work you do is fundamental to the success of our students.
Please read the article from the New York Times and take heart. We have three weeks to the Regents. Your dedication, skill and hard work with our students will translate to success. Now is the time to keep the torch not only lit but BURNING BRIGHT. Thank you for providing the students who require extra motivation and encouragement as we move into Regents testing week. Mr. Coscia and Ms. Desta made phone calls this morning and the list has been provided to Good Shepherd. New York State Education Department Visit
_Representatives from the New York State Education Department will be visiting BASH on Friday February 3rd.
Instructional Expectations and the Common Core
On Monday, January 9th from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, we will have Sarah Tierney, Achievement Support Initiatives Coach from the NYCDOE Office of Achievement Resources working with you on your assignment/projects
for alignment to the targeted Common Core Learning Standards for use as a
performance task this winter.
In preparation:
DYO Happenings
On Tuesday, January 10th, Mr. Sam and Mr. Glanville will be attending the annual DYO Conference. They will be sharing their DYO work specific to culminating performance tasks.
Mr. Sam and Mr. Glanville will turnkey their experience for BASH teachers on Tuesday, January 17th during C6. Appersen and DYO
We will have a PD led by Mr. Joseph on scanning our DYO results with the Appersen machine on Friday, January 13th.
Attendance Issues
Please complete Period Attendance by the first 15 minutes of each period and bring the folders to the main office by end of your last class. Ms. Fowler has had to stay late because folders are not being returned on time.
An additional report has been added that shows students who have been marked "present" for the day, but are absent for their subject classes. In other words, they swipe in, sign in or only attend 3rd period. It is mandatory that teachers take attendance correctly. Let Ms. Pacheco know which students are chronically absent and calls will be made. We also agreed to be in the hallways during period changes. It only takes a minute or so to step to your door and herald students into your class and encourage others to move along. Please do not allow students into your classroom who are not scheduled to be there. Students must be in their assigned classes at all times unless permission has been granted by their subject area teacher to work elsewhere. |