Regents Prep Saturday School & Wednesday Afterschool Remediation
Please remind students that the first Regents (ELA) is on January 11th. Ms. Yannuzzie and Mr. Glanville are both working Saturdays to help students prepare as are Mr. Soto (ESL), Ms Persaud (Science) and Dr. P (Social Studies).
Make sure to publicize our Wednesday afterschool opportunity for students to catch up on missed work. Remember, bona fide credit accumulation is a primary goal for our student population. ADVOCACY
Please remember to record your student advocacy meetings in our Advocacy GoogleDoc on a weekly basis. Every classroom door should have your name and hours of availability posted. Thanks.
Hats off to Ms. Bailey for her effort with her advocacy students.
Colleague Recognition
If you believe a co-worker should receive an accolade for a job well done, please email Mr. Link. People will be recognized with serious and not-so-serious awards at our staff holiday party.
Teachers Choice Allocations
All schools / Events: December 9, 15
Teacher’s Choice allocations for this school year will be issued as either a direct deposit on December 9 or as a debit card distributed with the December 15 payroll for new participants who aren’t enrolled in direct deposit. Previous card holders will have their debit cards replenished on December 15. All eligible staff members actively employed as of November 1 will receive an allocation as long as the information in their EIS records is accurate. A second and final allocation issued in March will include any eligible staff members who were not included in the initial allocation. |
Common Core State Standards
As we work on our curriculum maps, please use the resources below.
SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol)
Sheltered instruction is an approach to teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) which integrates language and content instruction. The goal of sheltered instruction is for ELLS to learn mainstream, grade-level content, and improve their English language proficiency.
Mr. Soto and Mr. Link have been trained in SIOP. Mr. Soto will be working with teachers who have any ELLS in the classroom, for Regents' Prep on Saturdays and on during our Wednesday after-school remediation academy. SIOP identifies 30 elements under eight categories: 1. Preparation 2. Building Background 3. Comprehensible Input 4. Strategies 5. Interaction 6. Practice/Application 7. Lesson Delivery 8. Review & Assessment The files below are very useful in gaining an understanding of the protocol. There are also two videos that show actual high school instruction in Science and ELA. Notice the use of gestures, realia, key academic vocabulary and routines.